
Using Data To Market More Efficiently & Effectively

Stochastic Marketing helps residential HVAC and plumbing contractors sell and market more efficiently and effectively by using your invoice data to identify prospects who are 300 – 400 times more likely to buy from you than 85% of the homeowners exposed to your advertising.

We specialize in analyzing residential HVAC and plumbing contractor sales and compare your results with more than $9 billion dollars of other contractor sales from more than 150 million visits to homeowners across the United States.

We use the same technology as the National Security Agency (NSA) to record phone calls consumers make to contractors from all forms of advertising. We take the recordings, convert them to text, data mine those conversations, and track results through the booking, sales, and service process –all the way to your invoice.

Targeted Direct Marketing Solutions That Work

We bundle this information and knowledge with cost-effective, targeted direct marketing solutions. Contractors don’t typically have a budget set aside for consulting; however, they are highly interested in our targeted marketing solutions, aimed at prospects who are 600 times more likely to turn into valuable new customers.

Many contractors who follow our advice sell more than $1 million a year in a single zip code, and some sell as much as $2 million, year after year. Our efforts helped one of our clients generate $1.8 million in sales per year in a zip code where they were previously only selling $75,000. With our years of experience and proven results, we feel confident in our methodologies.

Stochastic has years of call, booking, and sales data identifying which mail pieces generate results, when they work best, how frequently to mail, and expected outcomes.

Converting Opportunities Into Sales

These efforts all assist in driving toward the bottom line. However, in the end, it doesn’t completely rest on response rates, costs per call, costs per click, keywords, online reviews, impressions, or branding – it is about converting those opportunities into sales. Once we look at your data, we can discuss improving those numbers, as well.

Get a FREE Marketing Efficiency & Effectiveness Review (MEER)

Learn how successful your marketing and sales efforts are in generating new customers, see how that compares with similar contractors, and identify your opportunities.

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