
The word “Stochastic” (pronounced stow-KAS–tik) is derived from the Greek word “stochastikos”, or “skilled at aiming.”

Stochastic Marketing is a residential HVAC and plumbing contractor consulting company that bundles in-depth data reporting with cost-effective marketing solutions.

I founded Stochastic Marketing more than 15 years ago to bring the benefits of statistical modeling (“big data”) to residential contractors across the nation.

Stochastic modeling is a type of statistical modeling that finds patterns in random sets of numbers, just like we do for contractors.

As with Stochastic models in other industries, we use data analytics to demonstrate:

  • Why most advertising dollars spent are being spent incorrectly
  • Where advertising generates new customers the most efficiently
  • What a customer should be worth to your business
  • When customers are more likely to buy from your business
  • How to do the right one thing that will bump your business to the next level
  • To find unique answers to the Why, Where, What, When & How mentioned above

I encourage you to follow this link to sign up for your FREE Marketing Efficiency & Effectiveness Review (MEER).

My staff has analyzed more than $9 billion dollars of residential HVAC and plumbing sales from over 150 million visits to the same types of homes your business serves each day. This unique experience provides us with the ability to help you transform your business.

Get in touch with us today and receive information regarding contractor marketing and advertising that will challenge most of what you’ve heard, placing you on the path toward growth and transforming your business.

Michael Layton

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